Apple & EVE Lemonade Variety 24/10 Ounce Bottles

Apple & Eve Lemonade is just like the mouthwatering lemonade from the neighborhood lemonade stand, always refreshing, anytime, anywhere. Enjoy purely delicious varieties of natural juice blends from Apple & Eve. It’s Non-GMO pure fruit juice perfection.

24 bottes Includes: 8 Mango Lemonade, 8 Classic Lemonade and 8 Strawberry Lemonade.

Nutrition Facts:

Per serving size (10 fl. Oz., 295ml) contains 120-130 calories, 0 total fat, 10 – 20mg sodium, 29 – 33g sugar and 100% vitamin C.

Costco Apple & EVE Lemonade Variety 24/10 Ounce Bottles Price: $12.99

Costco item# 1158860

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