Big Tree Farms Organic Coconut Sugar 4 Pound Bag

Coconut sugar is considered the world’s most sustainable sweetener. Consumers worldwide are looking for the healthiest sweetener option to replace cane sugar, corn syrup and agave syrup—and coconut sugar is it! Costco has Big Tree Farms Organic Coconut Sugar 4 Pound Bag selling at $9.99.

Coconut sugar is a simple unrefined whole sweetener that can be used as part of a healthy lifestyle. It’s a perfect 1:1 replacement for cane sugar, so it can be used for all your baking, for your coffee, tea, morning cereals, on popcorn and even your BBQ or marinades.


This Big Tree Farms Organic Coconut Sugar Coconut sugar is made from the nutrient rich flower blossom nectar of the coconut, which is collected, boiled and granulated. It is 100% pure and is never mixed with cone sugar or additives.

Ingredient:  Certified Organics Fair Trade Granulated coconut flower blossom nectar.

Nutrition Facts:

Per serving size 5gr, it contains 20 calories, 0g total fat, 12mg sodium and 4g sugars.

Costco Big Tree Farms Organic Coconut Sugar 4 Pound Bag Price:  $.9.99

Costco item#: 464290

Inventory and pricing may vary at your warehouse location and are subject to change.







