Kirkland Signature Albacore Tuna 8/7 Ounce Cans

Kirkland Signature Albacore Tuna is a good source of protein. The package contains 6 cans of tuna and each can is 7 ounces.


With Dolphin safe, Kirkland Signature Albacore Tuna is made from Solid white Albacore Tuna. It has Superior quality tuna packed in water.

Nutrition Facts:

Per serving size (2 oz. drained, 56g- about ¼ cup), it contains 70 calories, 10 from Fat, 1g total fat, 16g of protein and zero sugar.

Kirkland Signature Albacore Tuna 8/7 Ounce Cans Price: $14.89
Compare to $23.76 at Amazon. (as of Feb 23, 2016 @ 15:02 GMT, Details. We get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.)

Costco Item#: 335238

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