Packed in a 1 gram jar, this Kirkland Signature LA Mancha Saffron seems quite small. But add just a few threads of saffron to any recipe, it will make your favorite dishes come alive with the unique flavour, color, and taste of saffron. Use with rice, soups, sauces, ice cream, sweets and baked goods.
Usage: Break some filaments into several small piece and add it to the dish a few minutes before it has finished cooking. This is the best way to impact the flavor, color and taste of saffron to your favorite dish. An alternative method is to dissolve saffron for about 20 minutes in a hot liquid(depending on the ingredients of the recipe). Typical usage is 4 to 6 filaments per person.
Costco Kirkland Signature LA Mancha Saffron 1 Gram Jar Price is $10.89
Compared to $19.99 at Amazon. (as of May 19, 2016 @ 17:05 GMT, Details. We get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.)
Costco Item# 513001
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