Vaughan 22-piece Paint Set

This is a great deal for a painting kit. This Vaughan 22-piece Paint kid is the all-in-one set for all your painting jobs and DIY projects.

Costco-1501660-Vaughan-22-piece-Paint Set

It comes with a large & small rollers as well as different sized paint brushes. You also get the plastic drop sheets so you can cover the floor or furniture.

Set includes:

  • One 4-inch mini and one 9-inch wire roller frames with threaded ends for extension
  • Seven microfiber roller covers: 3 pieces of 4-inch smooth ½-inch NAP, 2 pieces of 9-inch smooth ½-inch NAP, and 2 pieces of 9-inch rough surface ¾-inch NAP
  • One 2½-inch and one 1½-inch angle sash brushes with birchwood handles
  • One metal tray (15⅜ x 11⅛ inches), and 4-pack disposable tray liners to hold paint
  • Two 9 x 12-foot plastic drop sheets to protect surrounding areas
  • One 5-in-1 painting tool featuring a pointed scraper, putty knife, paint can opener, roller cleaner, and hammer
  • One double-sided sanding sponge (4 x 2¾ x 1 inches) with one coarse side and one fine side
  • One steel paint can opener (4½-inch), for safety when lifting paint lids
  • One plastic stir bar (14-inch) to mix paint without getting your hands dirty


  • For All Paint Jobs
  • Multi-Purpose
  • Reusable and Easy Clean-Up
  • Professional Quality For A Long Lasting and Superior Finish
  • Unbeatable Premium Value Set

Costco Vaughan 22-piece Paint Set Price: $19.99

Costco Item#1501660

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